Grapevine Wreath Form

Grapevine Wreath

I found this large grapevine wreath form at Hobby Lobby.  Did not get it that day as I do not have a place for such a large wreath.  

But keeping it in mind...for a project down the road.

Your wreath is half made when you start with a grapevine wreath form, because the natural beauty of the grapevine can be a visible part of the finished project.

Easter Grapevne Wreath

This Easter wreath you can see a lot of the grapevine in between the ribbon, flowers, and bunny; notice the tendrils that add to the unique beauty.

Different Shape Grapevine

Valentine Grapevine Wreath

This is a grapevine shaped into a heart.  The boa softens the outside while the grapevine provides the shape and natural looking structure.

Grapevine twisted and shaped into a wreath with all the natural curls and twists add to the beauty of each wreath.  Each wreath completely original, no two alike.

When I am picking out a grapevine wreath I look for as many curly tendrils.

Sunflower Wreath

This sunflower wreath lets a lot of the natural foundation shine through on this large oval form.

Things I love about the Grapevine Wreath Form:

  • You do not have to worry about completely covering the form.  Let the natural beauty be part of the design.
  • It is so easy to add flowers, you can just poke them into the vine and they stay.  Tying objects on is easy too.

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